listen now,
hear the lullaby of my soul
giving birth to freedom
for the gift growing under my heart
just let us be
without your
furrowed brow
getting in the way
if you want me
to give up my child-
it’s not in my future plans,
I didn’t choose abandonment,
I refused to allow a doctor
to scrape out our souls
and I won’t give you permission
to bully my spirit
into conjuring up reasons
to go ahead and let go-
if you want me to release him
to another other
rather than be a single mother-
I will not relinquish my rights-
you will only feel my sorrow
rush upon your cold existence
as I walk away-
I accept my child
as a gift of love
growing within my womb
just let us be
without your
“good intentions”
getting in the way
if you want to be helpful,
join our journey-
I welcome you
to care deeply about us-
if you want to share
in our beginning-
I pray
that you will reach out
simply sit and stay a while
be united in purpose
to celebrate my son,
a gift growing within our hearts.

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